Building the AI of . with Goal Oriented Action Planning | AI 101
In this episode of AI 101 we celebrate AI and Games reaching 100,000 subscribers as I return to the technique - and the game - where this channel began. A popular alternative to Behaviour Trees, Goal Oriented Action Planning (GOAP) was popularised by the AI of . and has been used in numerous games since.
But how does it work and where did it come from? We explore its origins and go into even more detail on its application within .
[00:00] Introduction
[01:11] Automated Planning
[05:26] Goal Oriented Action Planning
[09:01] The AI of .
[15:50] Closing
Some additional assets to check out if you’re interested in GOAP and FEAR:
Holistic 3D’s video on GOAP
Jeff Orkin’s GOAP website when at MIT, including papers, presentations and other resources
GOAP: 10 Years of AI Planning (GDC 2015)