Sickness, heat in the body and its relation to Swadhisthana Chakra, Shri Mataji, Sahaja Yoga
Full interview:
Interviewer : Another question is sickness. For me, it is very difficult to understand why … how it can be dealt with Kundalini.
Shri Mataji : You see, sickness comes to you, as I told you, through our centers getting exhausted. As this is one center, all right, on the left side, left sympathetic, and right sympathetic, and they join together, this is the center. So we are using the energy of this center that is limited, for our purpose, anything. Supposing, I’ll give an example, of a very good example of our Swadisthan chakra. It’s the second center which looks after the aortic plexus in the medical terminology, but it’s not complete, I mean it’s one of the parts.
Now the work of the Swadisthan chakra, according to Sahaja Yoga, which has worked of course, wonders with this theory, that it gives energy for the replacement of the brain cells. Because we never think about it, we are using the brain all the time, we don’t think how it is replaced, even within the medical art they don’t think about it.
So one of the work it has got, it moves here [Shri Mataji shows turns around the Void] and also it has to look after your liver, it has to look after your pancreas, it has to look after spleen, it has to look after your kidneys, it has to also look after the lower part of your large intestines. Alright? Now. But all the time a person is thinking, these days every body thinks too much and very futuristic. As a result, it cannot pay attention to all other things. So what happens, the first thing which is affected it the liver.
Now, liver gets all the heat from the all body and eliminates it – it’s poison for the body you can say- eliminates it into the blood circulation, it goes into the blood. Now when, you see, liver is not attended to or doesn’t get sufficient energy, starts working very hard, so it becomes an over active liver and this heat cannot be removed, so the heat starts rising upward and downwards. [When the heat rises upwards] As a result, your- these, what you call – the lungs are made as you know, they are made like a sponge, so it becomes coagulated and you develop asthma. We cure asthma through liver. Incurable. Then it descends down, when it descends down, it affects your kidneys? By that you get high blood pressure. Also, another thing you get is constipation.
Then your pancreas is neglected. When pancreas is neglected you get diabetes. Only the people who are thinking sitting, planning for future get diabetes, never a villager. In India, if you go to a village, they’ll say : “you have to put sugar as much as the spoon must stand at a right angle.” They take so much sugar, nobody gets diabetes, because they earn in the morning, nicely go home and sleep off. When we think and think, and think of the future. So the neglect of the pancreas gives you diabetes. Now we have many people who have cured diabetes also.
Then the third one is the worse, is the spleen, that the spleen is like, you say rhythm, gives the rhythm, it’s a in speedometer in us. And supposing you are eating the food and suddenly you have to run, then you get a pain because it has to produce red blood corpuscles. But if you are always in an emergency in modern times, as you are, first of all you read the newspaper, you are under chock, because newspaper must chock you, you see. [Shri Mataji is laughing] So, then another chock, then another chock. Then in the traffic, you get a chock. So this poor spleen doesn’t know how to behave in this crazy world and it becomes very crazy and vulnerable. And with the slightest chock, it can get blood cancer. I must tell you that we have cured really blood cancer patients. Absolutely cured, completely cured, without any medicine or anything, absolutely cured. We have certificates and everything about them. And surprisingly, all of them were architects. [Shri Mataji is laughing] This is one.
Then, another thing that I told you, it affects the kidneys and it affects also the lower intestines. So, only one center, if you use it too much for one purpose, can give you all these troubles.
And ultimately the heat might rise to the heart and you may have a massive heart attack. Specially, if young people, if they are drinking too much, if they are playing tennis or which is very – I mean any game which is like football or tennis, drinking too much and thinking too much, they might get a massive heart attack and die very young, at a very young age. I mean it’s absolutely fatal. If you get this attack at a young age, it’s fatal, you cannot save them.
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