А тот кто упустит всё это, пусть не винит никого кроме себя. Намаз.
Эмоциональное напоминание. Они будут пренебрегать молитвой.
А тот кто упустит всё это, пусть не винит никого кроме себя.
Совершайте Намаз.
Они будут пренебрегать молитвой || They Will Neglect The Prayer! || Emotional Reminder
Allah most High says:
☛ “Then there succeeded them a generation which neglected prayers and followed lusts. They will meet with destruction (Ghayy), excepting the one who repents and believes and acts righteously.“
(Quran 19:59-60)
☛ “Woe to the worshippers who are unmindful of their prayer (delaying of the prayer).“
(Quran 107:4-5)
The Prophet (SAW) said in this regard:
☛ “The first thing which will be judged among a person’s deeds on the Day of Resurrection is the prayer. If that is in good order, he will pass the test and prosper, and if that is defective, he will fail the test and be a loser.“
Umar ibn al-Khattab (RAA) reported that
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