Missouri is the latest state to jump on the “6 week abortion ban”. They join Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, Iowa and many more. Though most women have no clue they are even pregnant at six weeks, these states are signing “Heartbeat Bills” that they would like to see made into law. What’s this all about? At 6 weeks, doctors can detect a “rhythm” that looks like a heart beat, but science has proven that it’s not. An embryo doesn’t have a heart at 6 weeks, it is a 3-4 millimeter group of cells with NO DEVELOPED ORGANS. Thanks to modern day ultrasound technology, doctors can catch an electrical activity-a rhythmic pulsing-of cells that are just starting to group themselves together in ways that might eventually grow into a heart. But there is no “beating heart” and no guarantee that one will develop. Miscarriages up to the 8th week of pregnancy are usually indistinguishable from a heavy period. This is the reality. Here’s another reality. These bills are being signed with NO EXCEPTIONS for RAPE, INCEST or S