Alena Gumennaya

The inspiration behind this piece is based on the feelings i have felt of being strange, different, misunderstood and a little kooky. Still to this day, i feel like i’m from another planet. It is actually a wonderful thing. It is what makes me, my mind, my personality, dancing and it was a freestyle ... I just went and did it first ... emotions .... Take it how you would like. I hope it may inspire you to be fearless, bold, brave, bizarre or just YOU. Thank you for all the support you give me. I am living my dream. _____________________________ Featuring BESTEST VADIM MELESHKO. Thank you for create with me. Thank you to my FAMILY for supporting me every day. Also thank you to everyone that is watching and supporting. I hope you enjoy these expressions from my brain. There’s not much to say about this piece, the song and my dance says it all. Enjoy our video:* #beoriginal #alenagumennaya #authenticdanca #unityindiversit
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