The Raj Jaipur Celebrations (1947)

Jaipur, India. LS. Earl Louis Mountbatten and Lady Mountbatten with the Maharajah of Jaipur seated in places of honour in a palatial hall during the celebrations of Maharajah’s accession to the throne. LS. Lord Mountbatten hanging a ribbon and putting a hat on the Maharajah. LS. Maharajah shakes hands with Earl and Lady Mountbatten. MS. Other Indian dignitaries shaking hands with them. MS. Maharajah, the Mountbattens and various dignitaries move slowly in a solemn state procession in the Palace courtyard. MS. Maharajah passing camera, fanned by his servants. LS. Lines of servants on either side of the entrance to the Palace. MS. Regal procession walking on strips of carpet through the lines of servants. One corpulent Indian trips on carpet. CU. Servant puts one of the Maharajah’s shoes on for him. LS. More shots of the group of Indian nobles marching through the crowds, panning to shot of the crowd. LS. Contingent of cavalry driving along a wide avenue through crowds. MS. Maharajah sitting at a table at th
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