Introducing Russian High Jumper Polina Parfenenko (3)

Russian High Jumper Polina Parfenenko Enjoy the great moments in sports together! #shorts 스포츠의 멋진 순간들을 함께 즐겨요! スポーツの素晴らしい瞬間を一緒に楽しんでください。 Disfruten juntos de grandes momentos de deporte एक साथ खेल के शानदार पलों का आनंद लें #femaleathletes #beautifulathletes #highjump #여자육상 #육상선수 #높이뛰기 ***This video is under Fair Use: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act in 1976; Allowance is made for “Fair Use” for purposes such as cri
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