🔻 === S T U F F === 🔻
This was a commission I did a few years back for Skysweep and was featured on a past P@D! I liked it a lot but have re-recorded the instruments, reworked the mix, and added some little parts here n there! Also got some amazing artwork by NekroLED and ofc a video! Nekro and I both worked at lightspeed to get this ready on time!! (there’s a smol error in the vid that I hope not many people notice, but Vegas literally would not load the project anymore soooo this is just how it is now lmao)
I’m hoping Skysweep himself can tl;dr the story of this track for y’all in the comments, ’cause I’ve long forgotten the details xD if he does I’ll be sure to pin it!
Either way, I hope you like it!
🔽 === D O W N L O A D S === 🔽
Bandcamp (Includes instr & acca):
Amazon: =sr_1_42?dchild=1&keywords=PrinceWhateverer&qid=1630418016&sr=8-42
YT Music:
My whole discography is available on Bandcamp 80% off!
Patrons get songs (and other things) sent to them every release!
✅ === C R E D I T S === ✅
✏️ Featured artists!
✏️ Main artwork by NekroLED!
^^ Literally an angel, pls go follow!! ^^
🎵 Female vocals by IMShadow007!
👕 === P A T R E O N & M E R C H === 👕
Wanna get the tracks, vids, and artwork sent to you each month? Patreon!
PW MERCH!! (It’s awesome, trust me owo)
✍ === L Y R I C S === ✍
(Make a choice, make a choice)
It’s been a while today
Since I last saw your face
Though ticking time creeps on so fast
Dark is the shadow cast
A light spills through anyway
Cutting through my dark dismay
I don’t need your permission
Won’t be held to your disposition
Are you proud of choices you’ve made
Do you smile on the path you take
Though the road has been long
My time has come
Make a choice
Do you know what’s right
Is their pain worth a coat of glowing fur
It’s time that you decide
Make a choice
Or else they’ll choose a path for you
Will you just stand idly by
Or can you stand to do what you have to
Fillies mares and colts
It seems our path is set
Though I can’t fix what was
I’ll keep on looking forward because
While you look at me
With eyes telling stories
Mares like me can’t be trusted
Those tales need to be readjusted
The time has come for me to-
Your words that held me down (your words that held me down)
Don’t matter in the end
I’ll turn this world around (I’ll turn this world around)
You can continue to pretend
That showing them your heart (What’s inside your heart)
Is something you can’t do
I’ll show them that there’s love (There is love in you)
When showing love’s all you refuse
💬 === S O C I A L S === 💬
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