VIDEO Y DESCRIPCIÓN ORIGINALES: CONTINUED RESEARCH INTO THE PHENOMENON --- Si ves el cuadrito de subtítulos en este video, significa que los subtítulos automáticos están disponibles. Para averiguar cuáles, has clic en el icono de engranaje en el área inferior derecha del cuadro de video y has clic en “subtítulos“ en el cuadro desplegable. Luego has clic en el subtítulo del idioma que te gustaría. --- If you see the little square of subtitles in this video, that means automatic subtitles are available. To know which, click in the gear icon, in the lower right part of the video square, and click in “subtitles” in the poping square. Then click in the language subtitles from the language you would like. --- FAIR USE DISCLAIMER: I do not own copyright for this copyrighted artwork, but under Section 107 United States Copyright Law as noted by the United States Copyright Office (Copyright Act 1976), allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. I state here in a good faith that I have made and uploaded here this copy of this copyrighted artwork completely for the purposes of teaching and research, that my action - i.e. my production of the copy of this copyrighted artwork and sharing of it here on Youtube in this particular case - is totally non-profit, and that I believe that my production of this copy of this copyrighted artwork and sharing of it here in Youtube in this particular case can only increase value of this copyrighted artwork and produce only positive effects for this copyrighted artwork in its potential ---
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