ELVIS-5 songs from the ,1970 DS in Warm LP Sound

ELVIS-5 songs from the ,1970 Dinner Show in Warm LP Sound. Click on the time(s) in blue to go to a song you want to see and hear. I hope this is allowed up. I re-worked the sound quite a bit on this, and the audio is from the International Label stereo download from a couple years ago. I took that audio and re-worked it. It is NOT just taken from the RCA/SONY cds or the Audionics label. I wold listen with head-phones 01. Elvis Talks to the audience 00:00 Suede Shoes 01:20 Don’t Have To Say You Love Me 02:14 Over Troubled Water 04:24 Only a small part of the video is from the 08-12-70-DS the rest is the 08-11-70-DS but ALL the audio is from the 08-12-70-DS Minds 08:17 ’t Help Falling In Love 16:00 I just re-did this audio a few days ago-Glen
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