Canada threatens to CENSOR podcasts & streaming. Will America be next

Canada may soon start censoring and regulating streaming services and social media platforms and forcing podcasters to register with the government. “You don’t want a regulated ’Internet Podcast Council,’“ Glenn warns. And he believes it probably won’t be long before leftists try passing similar laws in the United States. Glenn speaks with Toronto Sun political columnist Brian Lilley, who gave one of Glenn’s favorite responses to the Canadian government on X: “Go to hell.“ Brian reveals the disturbing way Canada is trying to sneak these new regulations past its citizens and whether or not this is the beginning of a much larger attempt to silence voices. ► Click HERE to subscribe to Glenn Beck on YouTube: ► Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV: ► Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube: ► Click HERE to sign up to Glenn’s newsletter: Connect with Glenn on Social Media:
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