ZX Spectrum repair 128k +2 with BONUS Tape Deck Repair

Another ZX Spectrum 128k plus 2 on the workbench! This one booting into 48k mode and showing a memory fault on the Brian Alford diagnostics. A juicy fault on the tape deck has me scratching my head for a while. The other video with more detail about the factory video and audio fixes Paul Universal Retro Boss Website My Twitterings can be found here Discord Channel Ko-fi page Amazon Wishlist Patreon 00:00 Introduction 00:35 Switch On 01:32 Diagnostics 03:08 Open it Up! 04:34 Desolder the Faulty Chip 05:48 Test the Faulty Chip 06:59 Retesting 07:38 Diagnostics Again 08:00 Clean the Sockets 09:30
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