How to Solve the 4D Rubik’s Cube - Tutorial [Part 1: Introduction and Prerequisites]

In this video, Charles Doan provides a tutorial on how to solve the 4 dimensional Rubik’s Cube. This video serves as an introduction to the fundamentals to solving the 4 dimensional Rubik’s video was my first video ever with me speaking. Therefore, I was very nervous. ________________________________________ Prerequisites to solving the 4D cube: - Knowing how to solve a Rubik’s cube via edges-first method. - Having a slight understanding of what commutators are, and what they do. - Knowing that each 3 dimensional “sticker“ of each piece is connected, and makes up a whole piece. ________________________________________ Link to Magic Puzzle Ultimate: Subscribe! #puzzle #4thdimension #higherdimensional #tutorial #magiccube4d #puzzlesolving #rubixcube
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