Look At Me Now Cover Busta Rhymes Verse Remix with Violin & Pool Table by Pat Noonan LYRICS BELOW

Facebook Twitter Tumblr MySpace PLEASE “like“ and share this facebook page to help find Charlie Allen aka Neo Babson Maximus Chris Brown feat. Busta Rhymes and Lil Wayne Look At Me Now Cover by Pat Noonan The Busta Rhymes Verse The first time I heard Look At Me Now by Chris Brown featuring Busta Rhymes and Lil Wayne I knew I had to cover Busta’s verse so I grabbed my acoustic and got to work. Sadly nothing was working so I went back to the original to look for ideas. After listening to the song more and more I recognized the snare sounded a lot like the sound of the break at the beginning of a pool game. I set up a mic next to my pool table and sure enough the sound worked. Then my mission became figuring out how to replace each sound in the original song with acoustic sounds. I came up with s
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