High Mass At Westminster Cathedral (1950)

High Mass At Westminster. Mixed - sound/mute. Cuts / out takes / unedited footage of Film ID “BIG CATHOLIC CELEBRATIONS“. Pontifical High Mass presided over by Archbishop Godfrey at Westminster Cathedral. Centenary Congress to celebrate the anniversary of the return of Catholicism to Britain. Bishop (?) and other clergymen in ornate robes stand around altar area with altar boys, choirboys and others. One of the senior clergymen sings in Latin after incense has been wafted about (out of synch). More singing and incense wafting. More singing and organ music while other clergymen kneel before a chair with their robes over the front. Bishop (?) offers up bread and wine (communion) at altar with his back to the others. View of congregation watching. Some stand on balcony area. Mute footage of the clergymen leaving the altar area, genuflecting towards the altar before they walk off. New bishop (?) blesses others and is assisted as he walks away from altar area. Footage of the ceremony shot from
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