Happy Retirement Mr Pickering | 2022 | Dark Comedy about Coming-out in Retirement | Trailer

After 30 years at a white-collared job an introverted man is thrown into the isolation of retirement. This resurfaces obsessive desires of homosexuality and he must either come out to his iron-willed wife or continue an unfulfilled marriage of 35 years. #lgbtq🌈 #lgbt #retirement #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #gay #oldergay #kickstarter #independentfilm #independentfilmmaker #retirement #retired #retire #comedy #comedyvideos #short #shortfilm #indepedentcinema #gay #gayuk #menshealth #gaypride #gaymen #film #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #filmcamera #lgbt #lgbtq #age #ageisjustanumber
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