Batman: Assault on Arkham is a DC Comics animated film set in the Batman Arkham Games universe, taking place 2 years before “Batman: Arkham Asylum.“ The film centers around the Suicide Squad, comprised of Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, and Black Spider. Amanda Waller assigns Task Force X a mission to steal a thumb drive from Arkham, leading to a confrontation with Batman himself. This contrasts with the events in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is the latest video game based on DC Comics, set in the Batman: Arkham Universe five years after the events of Batman: Arkham Knight. It marks Rocksteady’s first major release since 2015 and features a mind-controlled Justice League due to Brainiac’s invasion. The Justice League roster includes Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Green Lantern.
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