The Farmer in the Dell - Nana’s Read Aloud

The Farmer in the Dell - Nana’s Read-Aloud Illustrated By: John O’Brien Read Aloud By: Nana (Brenda Lovett) Produced By: Nana’s Story Time with Brenda Lovett Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy Books for Georgia’s Children This is the story of the Farmer who went out new the dell, and unfortunately, he fell in the dell. Thank goodness he had a wife to help pull him out of the dell. She called the Nurse to help her because she couldn’t pull him out by herself. The Nurse called the Child to help, he called the Dog, who called the Cat, who had to get the Cheese to finish helping get the farmer out of that dell. It is good to have someone to call on when you fall down, and to help you to get up. I hope you liked this video. I really love making them. Here are a few more video’s you may enjoy! If so, please Like, Share, and most importantly Subscribe, it’s free and you will get to see each new video as soon as they are published.
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