Figure Skating - Summer or Winter Sport? | Documentary - How a fan changed the history
Do you know figure skating was once a sport competed in the Summer Olympics? Yes 1908 and 1920. Then, Olympic winter games were created. And the reason behind? All thanks to a passionate ice skating fan - Pierre De Coubertin, who happened to be the founder of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
So never underestimate the power of a fan! And who are some of the most well known / notorious figure skating fan in history? You might never guess it -- Adolf Hitler. He was so fascinated by the 3 time Olympic champion in his time, Sonja Hernie, some said the true ice queen.
So the next time when you binge-watch figure skating because of Yuzuru Hanyu or *Insert any skater name*, don’t be shy. You are never alone in this long history of the sport.
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