HoN Rage Annihilation

9 Minute Video of Jukes, Skilled plays, Funny moments and Annihilations. (AS SEEN IN VIDEO) -Dead Puppet’s Minotaur -Maliken Juke / Kill -MoonQueen drops to 5 hp hattrick -Magmus Instant quad Kill -Pharaoh Ulti’s Invis -Madman Pro Hattrick -Gauntlet Compilation -Soulstealer Compilation -Pharaoh Compilation -Maliken Compilation -Puppet Juke and kill / 1 shotted invis -Hag kill and escape 10 hp -Hag / D Lady / Tree / Swift / Maliken ANNIHILATIONS Music: Gundam Wing intro, X Japan; Rusty Nail, Nightmare; The World Check out some related vids if u enjoyed this: (Valkarie arrows) (Soul_Stealer Rape) (Dampeer Compilation Annihilation) (Pubstompilation)
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