We meet. Poet of Uruguay/Netherlands. Juan Carlos Tajes Baddouh. Встречаем поэта из Uruguay.
Juan Carlos Tajes Baddouh, Uruguay/ Netherlands
He was born in 1946 in Montevideo, Uruguay. A versatile artist who directs, acts, sings, designs, and writes.
Education-Theater School and Academy of Arts in Montevideo, Uruguay. He made his directorial debut in Italy in 1969.
Since 1971, he has been living and working in the Netherlands. Juan Carlos Tajes is a specialist in the field of Commedia dell’arte and historical theater,
directs the theater, opera, operettas, Zarzuela Theater. He performs in theater, (musical) theater productions and films.
Vocalist, since 1983, a tango singer. He is the founder / director of the Center for the Comedy of Masks del Arte, where he designs and produces masks.
Juan Carlos Tajes Baddouh, Уругвай/ Нидерланды
1946 года рождения, Родился в Монтевидео, Уругвай. Разносторонний художник, который руководит, действует, поет, проектирует и пишет.
Образование - Театральная школа и Академия искусств в Монтевидео, Уругвай. Он дебютировал в качестве режиссера