Assembly Tool - Trailer

Assembly Tool is a massive set of useful scripts and tools gathered in one place! It is a real friend and permanent assistant in artists’ daily work, which can help to work faster, more efficiently and more productive! Assembly Tool can help to optimize many areas of 3ds Max workflows, accelerate the performance of your work in 3ds Max in general and make it much easier and more fun! Assembly Tool contains a huge number of tools for: smart transformation and manipulation of objects, faster scene assembling, modeling and unwrapping, work with textures and materials, batch renaming of objects and materials, work with layers, groups, pivot points, scene management, objects painting, scattering, array, randomization, optimization, physics - all this is only a small part of the Assembly Tool functionality. Assembly Tool has been used in various areas of 3d graphics: in game development, game cinematics, and advertising, and I can highlight a lot of 3d environment scenes where I used this tool: Far Cry series, The Elder Scrolls Online, PUBG, Destiny, Halo, Love, Death & Robots by Netflix, Utopia Syndrome, as well as my personal projects. Assembly Tool is an absolutely free tool for everyone! Almost 4 years of development to bring it to the world! Made by: Andrew Averkin and Viacheslav Sutormin Version Requirement: 3ds Max 2020-2023 Links:
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