LOVEBITES / Winds Of Transylvania VLADLOVE Version MUSIC VIDEO

Here is the video clip to “Winds Of Transylvania [VLADLOVE Version]“ that is an opening theme of the new anime series “VLADLOVE“ directed by legendary Mamoru Oshii and Junji Nishimura! It includes some of anime cuts! ヘヴィ・メタル・バンドLOVEBITES「Winds Of Transylvania」のMVを公開! 押井守総監督・西村純二監督の新作シリーズアニメ『ぶらどらぶ』のオープニング主題歌で、アニメの映像を盛り込んだ〔ぶらどらぶヴァージョン〕! Director, c
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