Authentic Recordings of Biblical Hebrew

Study with David: Contact: BiblicalCulture@ Academy of Hebrew Language website with hundreds of recordings (Hebrew): אוסף-המסורות/ Pronunciation traditions: Samaritan Hebrew; Babylonian Hebrew; Yemenite Hebrew; Italian Hebrew; Sephardi (Portuguese/Amsterdam) Hebrew; Ashkenazi (Lithuanian) Hebrew. Rabbi Dr. David Moster is the director of the Institute of Biblical Culture and an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. He is the author of “Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol“ and two Biblical Hebrew reference cards currently in press. He received his PhD in Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) from Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and holds degrees in Bible, Education, and Rabbinics from Yeshiva University and New York University. Public domain images from WikiMedia Commons and the Jewish Virtual Library. Paintings in the public domain: Jewish wedding, Marco Marcuola; Interior of the Portuguese Synagogue in 1695 by Romeyn de Hooghe; Napoleon Orda, Kaunas Old Town in 19th century; Bernard Picart: Passover Meal Among Portuguese Jews.
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