Всі події у відеороботі ‘In The Dark’ відбуваються в альтернативному Всесвіті та відображають моє ставлення до світу сьогодні. В моїх очах він здається в міру веселим і злегка тривожним.
Слухай пісню на всіх музичних платформах:
TUMAZAR в соціальних мережах:
Instagram -
TikTok - @tumazarchik?_t=8WSvS7Cwe3S&_r=1
Digital Marketing: Leonid Lastochkin
Sound: @taigaivan, TUMAZAR
Director: @danya_zubkov
DOP: @liza_riabinina
Producer: @sheismarinasikorska
Choreographer: @danya_zubkov
Edit: @liza_riabinina @danya_zubkov
Colorgrading : @liza_riabinina
1st AC: @terentiev22
Focus Pulle/2nd AC: @palkinshots
MUA: @dima_che_monster
MUA Assistant, Hair: @premodonnaa
Prop master: @
Decorations: @makkkrs
Gaffer: @valeriybutkov
Gaffer’s team:
Казаков Олександр
Куніцин Костянтин
Ключник Влада
Бутков Кирил
Dancers: @ukropnekrupa, @, @saint_maksymchuk
Photographer: @troshevandrii
Costume design (TUMAZAR): @burdeina_atelier
Costume design, styling (rabbit): @
Stylist (wolf, mermaid): @stara_diana
Special thanks: @, @vaskabond
Rental, location: @patriotrental
Just know when I do come around
You won’t say I can match you now
Even say that you still believe
In love, in love , I’d go, but
Heaven knows sick heart won’t live if
No one feels the same, no one with him
No! And you should know
We are same, we are rough,
we fight back real life
But you are somehow cold
The more we kiss the faster you will go alone
To find a better one
And than I am the same stoned heart
Whose darken mind won’t let trust and believe him
But at least in the dark
I can dance with no shade
I can be on my own
without your pics in my head
You will be seeing my glow
But you don’t really care
I am the kind of young love
You’ll never find anywhere
I tried to know how to lose my mind being in love
But I lose control
I came from a place of mistaken
From those who’s souls being naked
I mixed and I am mixing your colors
You should know
Don’t Cry alone my baby
Don’t you feel to much already
Once I could dive in your blaze you
Killed the light that was unfading
But at least in the dark
I can dance with no shade
I can be on my own
without your pics in my head
You will be seeing my glow
But you don’t really care
I am the kind of young love
You’ll never find anywhere
Don’t cry alone my baby
I know how it hurts when you are not ready
Falling in love always sadly
But Don’t you feel to much already
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