In a feudal Japan torn by chaos, the legendary shogun Tokugawa Leyasu crosses paths with the famous samurai Miyamoto Musashi. Together, they embark on an epic quest to restore harmony and peace in their war-torn country. Their unlikely alliance leads them into epic battles, deadly duels, and spiritual trials, confronting formidable enemies and their own inner demons. The fate of Japan rests in the hands of these two legendary heroes.
00:00 | Call of the Blades
01:59 | Encounter
07:39 | ’ Oath
16:11 | the Chaos
19:10 | Ronin
26:40 | by Fire
41:42 | in Arms
44:27 | and Honor
50:17 | in Arms
52:56 | of the Shogun
57:46 | Path of Trials
01:04:11 | of the Past
01:08:51 | Soul’s Forge
01:12:21 | the Mountains
01:15:49 | of the Wind
01:21:34 | of Darkness
01:27:34 | Victory
01:29:54 | on the Horizon
01:31:57 | of Legends
01:36:23 | of the Kami
01:45:25 | of the Past
#shogun #epic #lofimusic #HarmonyLofiJourney #musashi #samourai #Tokugawa #ieyasu #miyamotomusashi
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