
00:00 Russophobia or the hatred for the Russians, its origins, history and why it matters. The fear and phobia of others is not a strange matter. It is the result of a tremendous work carried out by propaganda and incitement against those classified as enemies of other ethnicities, races and religions. 00:20 But anti -Russian phobia is of a different kind. It has long historical dimensions since the Russian victory over the Mongols and the Tatars, since the Russians crushed Napoleon’s legions and when they expelled the invading Nazis from the territory of the Soviet Union and liberated all of Eastern Europe and Austria. 00:43 Bottom line, Russophobia is employed today by the monstrous West and its aggressive media warfare to coerce Russia to acquiesce to it. But alas, Russia today is stronger, undefeated, more flamboyant and loved and is spearheading the calls for multipolarity. 01:03 The world is changing, just be on the right side of history, it’s good to know. ——— 00:00 ロシア恐怖症やロシ... Source: ???????????????????????????
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