Mayday! Mayday! Someone better call MegaMan to bust these viruses because it’s a battle theme remix on May Day!
By near-unanimous vote, today, we have the battle theme of Mega Man Battle Network 6 in the style of Mega Man Star Force.
I honestly thought this theme sounded a bit more like one you’d hear in those games rather than Battle Network, and so, I got to work.
I think the synths and deep bass really work with this track, and I’m glad that the orchestra hits were able to be used, here.
As always, I hope you enjoy the video!
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Original composition by Yoshino Aoki.
Original MIDI
...sequenced by SwordBolt.
Remix created in SynthFont.
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*Next Video:*
Japonesque - Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (Arachno Soundfont Remix)Show more