All Roads Have End (1960)

All Roads Have End. Hampshire. L/S Government appointed vehicles testing station in Hendon. L/S Man sitting in his car while attendant takes a sheet from him and walks away to start testing the vehicle. M/S. Mechanic at device which registers the efficiency of the brakes. C/U Car wheel turning slowly on rollers. C/U Dial needle registering just short of the required mark. L/S The car moving forward over pit. Several mores shots of various parts of the car being tested for safety. L/S The car moving out of the testing bay and stopping front of office. M/S Man getting out of car and walking into the office. L/S Cars piled high in a breaker yard. L/S Old wreck on top of the pile. L/S Worker using oxy acetylene torch for cutting the metal of old cars. M/S Man using sledge hammer to break wing off old car. M/S Man putting car wheel into crushing device. M/S The press moving down on the metal. L/S A cube of compressed metal being ejected from the machine. L/S Wrecked van being towed into the yard. L/S an old
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