Top secret, In the cockpit of the pilot of a new Russian air-cushion ship Christy 7183
Top secret, In the cockpit of the pilot of a new Russian hovercraft Christy 7183 FC built for exploitation in Siberia
Pilot training for a new pilot with a maximum load of 5 people and 9 bags of sand (380 kg) plus fuel.
Experience the excitement of taking a test drive on the Christy 7186 and get a first impression of the model by signing up on our website!
E-mail: info@
Note: In all our videos You can see a variety of driving styles - from quite basic to aggressive ones, as different pilots are driving the hovercraft. This is not promotional video, but the actual video report on the craft for our Customer.
Skeertuig حوامة Съд на въздушна възглавница Aerolliscador Vznášedlo Luftkissenfahrzeug Αερόστρωμνο Aerodeslizador Aeroglita boato 호버
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