Can a health-cost minion kill itself? | Hearth Tech#269

00:00 Intro Can a health-cost minion kill itself? 00:13 Test1 Hematology still reduces the cost of cards without enough Corpses 00:42 Test2 Greatsword of the Ebon Blade actually gives your minion Reborn when you SUMMON a minion. 01:22 Test3 Vengeful Walloper’s cost increases when the Outcast minions you played get Silenced 01:54 Test4 What happens if a spell with Spell Damage is split by Jerry Rig Carpenter? 02:23 Test5 How does Il’gynoth interact with Repulsive Gargantuan? 03:00 Test6 Anub’Rekhan actually just deals damage 03:37 Test7 What happens if you Arson Accusation a minion who costs Health? 04:54 Outro BGM:Forever Twitter: #Hearthstone
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