The Mysterious Stairs of Abou Rawash: Access to the Underworld or Water Well?

Near the Pyramids of Giza, in the desert of Abou Rawash, there is a mysterious Staircase which has been carved straight into the bedrock. It leads to a shaft which is filled with water. On the walls, we can see still see the tool marks of the ancient builders. 🔴 Become an Adept or Initiate-Level Member of our Channel starting from 1,99$ per month and GET EARLY ACCESS TO ALL VIDEOS, EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS and many other exclusive perks! 🎵If you’re interested in the Music, Check out our Playlist here🎵: 🔴🤌🏼👆🏻Get 60 DAYS Unlimited FREE TRIAL with EPIDEMIC SOUND #shorts #abourawash #ancient #egypt #underground #desert #giza #pyramids #ancienthistory #ancienttechnology #megalithic #stairs #losttechnology
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