DISCLAIMER: the stories/images presented in following album are pure fiction and should be treated as novels. Following any of described immoral actions that break the law is discouraged. Any similarity to actual person, living or dead, or past event, is purely coincidental.
Some people may find the content as disturbing or unpleasant.
Doctor (D): You can start.
Patient (P): Have you ever been on war?
D: No.
P: Then you won’t know what it’s like. Lucky you. I was a paramedic, served also as surgeon. When orders were to stay at base, it was rather normal: mostly sewing wounds, extracting bullets or fragments... broken arms or legs from time to time. We had good conditions to operate someone if needed, comparing to other units. The worse things were taking place in towns, when we had to go to civilians and others.
D: All the local people.
P: Exactly. Now, let’s say you’ve been there, serving as a front soldier. You were wounded and taken to field hospital. A dirty place between ruins, a dangerous one since we were in range of enemy mortars. They also carried other people there, and now you’re sitting on chair next to your enemy that has shot you half hour ago. That guy is also injured, and even if he was our enemy, we had to take and cure him before any trial can be started. If his squad took him before us, he could come back and shoot one of our soldiers again. We couldn’t simply kill him, because life is a life. We aren’t animals, even if our enemies were.
D: I understand. For how long did you serve there?
P: Two and a half year. And I will never know what was the point of all of it, I mean war. Go, get injured, come back, go again... and this loop can be broken only by peace, retreat, or death. Neither of sides wanted peace, nobody could retreat... so only one option is left.
Title: Circle of Devouring
Track number: 19/28
Cat. no/release title: SAR-005 Onto Brink
Genre(s)/BPM: Speedcore/Splittercore 620BPM
Used scale(s): F# Superlocrian bb7
Module: PTSD/Noon
Background image:
YT playlist:
Netlabel: Speedcore Abyss Records
Release/download link:
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