LAST KILLS AND AURAXIUM: 11:31 (AURAXIUM ONLY AT 12:42) READ THE COMMENTS! With this auraxium I’ve done the fourth weapon of the directive and so the survey is over. The results are the following: 8 votes for the Spiker, 3 votes for the Cerberus, 2 votes for the Beamer, 2 votes for the Blackhand, 2 votes for the Hunter qcx and 0 votes for the Manticore. So the next and last secondary for the directive is the Spiker. Thanks to everyone who took part in the survey. In this video a montage with some actions with the NS-61 EMISSARY the fourth weapon I’ve chosen for the secondaries directive. LOADOUT OPTICS: NiCO XR (2X) RAIL ATTACHMENTS: LASER SIGHT PLAYSTYLE The EMISSARY is the only NS full automatic secondary available, it features the rate of fire of an heavy lmg (like the Flare) and the damage model of an smg (like the Sirius) basically combining the weaknesses of both the weapon categories. Luckily the emissary recover some effectiveness thanks to its mild recoil and good ads accuracy. This weapon is very
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