The ’First’ Stealth Game | Stealth Game History

In this episode, we take a look at the earliest known example of stealth-based video game design and the developer who created it. We consider the wider analysis of Proto-Stealth Games and what separates them from the Arcade ‘cat-and-mouse’ games of old. Sponsor this project: Find me on Twitter: All video footage is subject to Fair Use/Fair Dealing law and sourced/credited where appropriate. If you believe your work has been used in the production of this video and violates the terms of Fair Use/Fair Dealing, please contact me: @ For more information on Fair Use (in the U.K.), please refer to: As well as Section 6 (iii) on Fair Dealing: Or for information on Fair Use in the U.S.: SOURCES: - Interview with Hiroshi Suzuki: Szczepaniak, . “The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers: Gold Edition”. SMG Szczepaniak. - Kickstarter: “The Untold History of Japanese Video Game Developers” - PC-6001 Manabi Shonen game (Translated (badly) from Japanese) - Shoplifter Shonen Game (Translated (badly) from Japanese) - Manbiki Shounen footage (PET2001 version emulated via PC6001) YOUTUBE SOURCES - “crazyclimber80“ - “Retro Gamer Z”
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