Wataru plays “RISING“ on TAISHO-GOTO,コウサカワタルの大正琴曲“ライジング“

TAISHO-GOTO was invented in 1912 in Nagoya Japan. It has been exported to China and Taiwan. Today,it became popular in India, known as BULBUL-TARANG, and Bali Indonesia, known as PENTING or NOLIN. “RISING“ was composed and performed by Wataru KOUSAKA. Recorded at TATAMI-STUDIO. For more information→ 大正琴は大正元年(1912年)に名古屋で生まれ、その後中国、台湾などに輸出されました。 現在、インドではブルブル-タラング。バリ島ではノリンやプンティンと呼ばれ定着しています。
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