Марс атакует! Mars Attacks! Клип. Music Video. SteVin89
(Danny Elfman сочинил музыку! The year 1996 belonged to the aliens. First they demolished our planet in the kitchy sci-fi flick ’Independence Day’ and they went for another round in ’Mars Attacks!’. Both films received a mixed reaction from the critics and only ’Independence Day’ was a hit with audiences worldwide.
Looking back I’ll say ’Mars Attacks!’ was by far the better picture. The film was loaded with the most famous stars and was surprisingly mean-spirited to beat. The majority of the cast,
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Почему инопланетяне не захотят вступать в контакт с человечеством
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В тени сражения за Ржев. Полтора года боев за город Белый. Часть 3 / Федор Дроздов