A Swim on the Stikine (Entry #23 Beaters For All 2023)

Watch paddler Felix Lalonde get into a spot of trouble on Wasson on the Stikine. Luckily with a solid crew and safety all ended well. “The boils on top of Wasson pushed me to the centre so I had to charge left and that didn’t set me up for success, I rolled just in time to see I was doomed and got my ass kicked. When I lost my paddle I knew I had to swim.. Small mistakes on the Stikine can decisive. Luckily I had a solid crew for safety, once I was on shore I tried to climb over the next Eddy to regroup. I’m a terrible climber. So I had to swim back to my boat. I’m a terrible swimmer as well. Lucky to not have exit in a chopper! When I swam my buddy Yann helped me to shore, while Russel went for the boat. Yann gave me my paddle before going to help Russell get the boat. They rescued it in the next rapid river right. I tried to climb on river left, but it was too dangerous so I swam back to them.“ By: Felix Lalonde
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