Cologne, Germany.
LS Poor quality of President Richard Nixon walking down steps of aircraft at Cologne Airport. He is greeted by Chancellor Kiesinger. VS Children at the airport with “Welcome Nixon“ banners and waving Stars and Stripes flags. VS The two men take the dais and Kiesinger gives address of welcome. President Nixon replies with long speech. He thanks them for the welcome and then talks of German recovery, his family links with Germany, and about the great alliance of which both countries are a part. BIG TRACK OF SPEECH IN 4426 A. Note - Willy Brandt is seen in the bg in all these shots. VS The two men pose on the steps of the Chancellor’s office with members of the German Parliament. Willy Brandt stands to the right. VS At the Villa Hammerschmidt the President is seen with West German President Lubke, Mayor of West Berlin Willy Brandt, Kiesinger and West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhardt are also in the crowd. VS Nixon arriving and being greeted by Lubke, they enter room and take their seats for
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4 months ago 01:40:25 2
La Mafia et la Maison Blanche, de Roosevelt à Trump - JEAN-FRANÇOIS GAYRAUD