Testing the ADCS system of cubesat on the test bench
We are working on a Semi-natural modeling test bench to test the Attitude Determination And Control System (ADCS) of the platform of the next cubesat satellite, which will go into orbit this year. Solar panels with silicon elements are installed on the satellite platform, which after testing will be replaced by “flying” GaAs panels. The satellite is located on an aerodynamic suspension, the magnetic frames create an alternating magnetic field, the GPS signal simulator works, the real position of the spacecraft is determined by a system of independent measurements using high-speed computer vision cameras. Like the nanosatellite platform, the test-bench is also a product of the SPUTNIX company
Проводим на стенде полунатурного моделирования отработку системы ориентации и стабилизации платформы очередного КА формата cubesat, который отправится на орбиту в этом году. На платформе спутника установлены солнечные панели с кремние