. Songs from Strange Place For Snow

Esbjorn Svensson Trio ( . ) Esbjorn Svensson , Magnus Ostrom & Dan Berglund Songs from Strange Place For Snow. . . Approximate run times v (original lengths) 1. Strange Place For Snow 4;04 (6;40) 2. Bound For The Beauty Of The South 3;45 (5;06) 3. Spunky Sprawl 3;04 (6;24) 4. Carcrash 5;02 (18;00) 5. As usual, tracks have been revised within various passages with one or more edit positions per track. There are minor rearrangements and tiny amplification changes. Produced with somewhat nuanced augmentations. In EVERY case, ALL music & sounds played by . There is a variable length silence between each song. If ever existed a benevolent, other worldly dimension of musical creativity, Esbjorn Svensson seemed to have visited there . A mystical ability to merge musical genres in a way never quite done before. There were the sounds of jazz to be sure, but also classical, blues and rock, to name but a few. These compositions were often impeccably wrapped within the album concepts – from the arenas of Esbjorns faith, to time spent in a land of wonder with the drunk and destitute . The mystique radiated through the trio -- cohesive, distinctive, innovative . Still today, so many of the songs Esbjorn left behind sound as fresh and irresistible as they were at the start . Reasons enough, that if you’ve just discovered ( OR rediscovered ) the music of . , you’ll want to purchase the albums or CD’s if you don’t already own them. Either format , you simply can’t go wrong . Esbjorn Svensson ~ 16th April 1964 - 14th June 2008
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