Anime Destroys American TV

LYRICS: My friends don’t like anime When I show them all my waifus they make fun of me They we’re brainwashed in their youth  Disney and Saturday cartoons There’s better cartoons you just have to find them And it might help if you weren’t so close minded Start with shit on Netflix You think that Stranger Things has a kickass plot Try watching Trigun and Code Geass Just give them one shot And like it or not Anime destroys American TV Just watch Bebop and you would agree Anime destroys American TV I’d rather be a weeb than just be a normie My friends don’t like anime They could not stop laughing when I tried on my cosplay I’ve learned that my only friends Are those nerds I meet at conventions I wish that someone could have helped me explain The plot of Serial Experiments Lain It’s a shame It’s insane Why would I listen to some boring punk rock When I got all of this cute J-pop Here’s Pocky I just bought And like it or not Anime destroys American TV Some dubs or subs it’s all good to me Anime destroys American TV I’d rather be a weeb than just be a normie
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