Abstract Floral Clusters | Miss Betsi’s pattern # 14

In this short tutorial, I show you how to draw beautiful abstract flower clusters. All you need is a pen, some paper, and a few minutes to doodle with me. I hope you enjoy this, and let me know if you try this out! --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Free coloring pages, And my coloring book : Http:// —- —- —- —- —- —- Leave a tip : --- --- --- --- --- --- Find me on Instagram: Https:// --- --- --- --- --- --- contact me: betsijae@ --- --- --- --- --- --- Do you want to share your creations on social media? ~ please tag me at betsi_jae . ~ (Give credit where credit is due 🙏🏽 ) thank yo...u ~ thank you for stopping by. You’re the best. --- --- --- --- --- --- Supplies I used in this video: ✔ 67-lb bristol paper : ✔ Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens : --- --- --- --- --- --- Disclosure I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This video contains affiliate links at no additional cost to you, from which I may earn a small commission.
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