Rhythm Heaven Custom Remix - Touch-Tone Telephone (Lemon Demon)

[EDIT: I just remembered that this song has a couple of bad words in it. So yeah, if you’re like 7 or something don’t play this in front of your mom.] I know, I know, if I was gonna do another Lemon Demon song this was probably the lamest, most obvious one I could’ve picked. But hey, I have to make audio for a remix before I can do the video, and this one happened to be the only one’s audio I was happy with. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles. As part of a graphic design class I’m taking I have access to Adobe Illustrator, which allowed me to recreate all the textures with clean vectors, something that fits the rhythm heaven art style very well. In the process of creating said textures, I decided to make everything teal which you may have noticed. There isn’t any particular reason for this, I just thought it fit the song well. So yeah, thanks to school this one took me what felt like an eternity. Thankfully this semester is about over, so hopefully my classes next semester won’t have me as busy. G
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