171215 LAYSHA(레이샤) _ Chocolate Cream /쇼케이스 일지아트홀 /직캠(4K Fancam)

🎉KPOP fan community“OrupenDAO“ This is the official YouTube channel for “OrupenDAO“, a free community for KPOP fans. With OrupenDAO, not only can you gather information, but you can also share your own updates and interact with others🎵 If you want to enjoy your fandom activities even more, click the link below👇 and connect with new friends! For more information about OrupenDAO, check out this link! @orupenmain/about-olpen-dao-a-completely-free-community-where-k-pop-fans-can-freely-interact-with-each-other-22a9b7360f08 OrupenDAO Official X(twitter): □------------------------------------...------□ K-POPファンのための完全無料のコミュニティ「OrupenDAO」の公式YouTubeチ
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