Very Creative Arts on Vegetable Crafts as Salad Decorations

Hi, I hope you are doing just fine! Today we have “Very Creative Arts on Vegetable Crafts as Salad Decorations“ episode which I think you’ll like it! #creative #arts #vegetables #crafts #salad #decoration 👉Required veggies: 🥬Clip#1: Carrot , radish & cucumber 🥬Clip#2: Carrot, cucumber, tomato & onion 🥬Clip#3: Bell pepper, tomato, radish, carrot & cucumber 👉Required tools: - Carving knife - Cutting knife - Bamboo stick 💐More Shorts: @FruityFreshyJuicy/shorts 💐More popular videos: @FruityFreshyJuicy/videos?view=0&sort=p&shelf_id=0 💐Some relevant terms; 과일자르기, सलाद डेकोरेशन, hacks, salad decoration, vegetable carving, vegetable carving easy ideas, salad decoration in plate, vegetable decoration, salad decor
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