тутурское чудо))
I’m so sorry for spending 62 hours rendering this shit
I really am
Stats and extras:
Created in 3Ds Max 2013.
Simulated with RealFlow 2012 for around 10 minutes.
Rendered with Vray for around 62 hours.
i7 3770k @ stock clocks 16GB RAM
The reason for the excessively long rendertime was the use of high quality indirect lighting, SSS materials (Sub-Surface Scattering) and the high quality of the motion blur.
2 months ago 00:10:16 1
Избавляющий от гнева (1 Фесс. 1:10) Профессор Андрей Сергеевич Десницкий
4 months ago 00:01:00 1
Красивейший сюжет из небесной механики #математика