#animation #animationmeme #furry #coviji #конкурс #contest #PaintingWithCovi
- ДЕДЛАЙН до включительно
- РЕПОСТ данного видео к себе на страницу/паблик/канал
(платформы для публикации:
ВК (можно в наш альбом: ),
инстаграмм ( отмечайне мой профиль @clown_v_dyrke )
или мне на почту: coviji08@ )
!!! Другие сети лучше не использовать, я не найду вас
- поддержать как минимум одного участника конкурса комментарием (или даже бóльшим)
- дополнительно прикрепить оригинал картины (либо оставить ссылку)
- сообщить об участии в комментариях: “я участвую“
- никакого ИИ
- никаких креаторов, все должно быть создано вами
- обводка с оригинала
- использование ваших персонажей (больше чем 1)
- негативить запрещено, у нас тут творческое шествие!
- никакого политического подтекста настоящего времени!
- да, вы можете повторяться с участниками в выборе оригинала/темы для перерисовки
- использовать разные стили, комбинировать
- использовать свой стиль
- хуманизация персонажей
- ЧБ рисунок, если это графика
- несколько работ на одного человека
- добавление своего персонажА на второй план, третий, дальний (он не должен быть центром картины!)
- легкая эротика, если она есть в оригинале
- тайная пасхалка на мем (у нас ту не такая строгая атмосфера!)
‼️ ссылки на соц сети в разделе “о канале“ ‼️💥
—Hello, comrades!. I haven’t contacted you for a long time... It’s time to fix it!
As you can see from the name, I’m organizing a competition! Wow! I hope the contestants are finally happy. Let’s get closer to the point:
This is a drawing contest! Therefore, the drawings can be: digital (2d and 3d) and traditional (with a good scan of the work!). All works are honored, even wood burning xD
However, we will evaluate everyone equally. Keep this in mind when further choosing a drawing technique.
It is important that there is ONLY ONE prize in the competition.
Therefore, you will have to try your best! What’s the prize?
The winner is given a choice:
1) My drawing with animation of the winner’s character (maximum 2 characters) and an idea (the timing is small – like a gif or a mini trend from tiktok)
2) animation of any loosely loaded winner’s art (as long as a gif)
3) Full-fledged art from me (any format, maximum 3 characters)
You may already be interested in this :3
And the main question is “WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO WIN???“
topic: And to win, you will need to redraw existing paintings that are in galleries in different countries. Sounds complicated, doesn’t it? In fact, it’s not as hard as you might think.
There are several paths in front of you:
you can repeat an existing painting in the same style, but with our characters;
or you can add your own handwriting to it (style, palette, etc.),but the main thing is to keep the original image so that the original is guessed.
THE PLOT CENTERS ON COVI AND AUGUST (together or separately).
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE TOPIC: To make your work easier, August and I have selected art styles that match our characters (but you DON’T have to follow these styles, it’s more like a recommendation).
~ Covi (mother): Rococo, pop art, Fauvism, Impressionism, Art Nouveau, constructivism. (any genre)
~ August (father): realism, Baroque, Renaissance, Romanticism. (historical genre is preferred)!
~ Rudolph (the son) is depicted only as a couple or with both parents.
REPOST this video to your page/public/channel
Necessary HASHTAG “#PaintingWithCovi“ ( publishing platforms: VK, YouTube, insta or email me: coviji08@ )
Support at least one participant of the contest with a comment (or more) :3
Additionally attach the original painting (or leave a link)
Inform me about participation : “I’m participating!“
- everything should be created by you
- tracing from the original
- using your characters (more than 1 character)
- negativity is prohibited, we have a creative procession here!
- No political implication of the present time!
- yes, you can agree with the other participants in choosing the original painting for redrawing
(you can choose the same picture as other participants)
- use different styles, combine
- use your own style, or humanization of characters
- BW drawing, if it is a graphic - several works per person
- adding your character to the background, third, or farthest background (he should not be the center of the picture!)
- light eroticism, if it is in the original painting
- a secret Easter egg (a meme, for example) (we don’t have such a strict atmosphere!)
And we have come to the end... if you have any questions, feel free to write in the comments! I will answer everyone :3
And that’s it. Thank you all for your attention! I wish luck and inspiration to all participants!
‼️links to social networks in the “about channel“ section (º꒳ º ) ‼️
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