Rob de Nijs (born 26 December 1942) is a Dutch singer and actor, active since the early 1960s untill now.
Rob de Nijs’ latest record was released in November 6, 2020. With songs by his regular song poet and ex-wife Belinda Meuldijk, but also by Bløf singer Paskal Jakobsen, Boudewijn de Groot and Daniël Lohues. The cd will was released together with a book with interviews with colleagues about De Nijs . The album and book share their title:’ t Is mooi geweest’; in English: “It’s Been Beautiful.“
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Broadcast date: 1967-01-01
This is to let you know that the video recording of the video clip was originally recorded by AVROTROS Broadcasting. AVROTROS Broadcasting hereby warrants and represents that it is the sole and exclusive owner of the physical film and/or videotape footage in this video clip.
The performance of the artist(s) in the clip was filmed and recorded with the written consent of the artist(s) and their representatives.
AVROTROS is a Dutch radio and television broadcaster, founded in 2014 from a merger of AVRO and TROS. From January 1st, 2014 the name of the merged broadcaster was used in joint programmes. AVRO was founded in 1923 as the Netherlands first public broadcaster. TROS started broadcasting in 1964. Toppop was a weekly AVRO pop program that was aired between 1970 and 1988.
AVROTROS Broadcasting
PO Box 2
1200 JA Hilversum
The Netherlands
TopPop was the first regular dedicated pop music TV show in the Dutch language area. Dutch broadcaster AVRO aired the programme weekly, from 1970 to 1988. Presenter Ad Visser hosted the show for its first fifteen years.
World famous music artists performed on TopPop: ABBA, 10CC, Bee Gees, The Jacksons with Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Earth & Fire, Queen, Golden Earring, Boney M, KC & The Sunshine Band, Chic, Donna Summer and many many more.
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