Guru Ashtakam | Adi Shankaracharya | Madhvi Madhukar Jha

Guru Ashtakam SHAREERAM SUROOPAM THATHA VAA KALATRAM, YASASCHARU CHITRAM DHANAM MERU TULYAM, MANASCHE NA LAGNAM GURO RANGHRI PADME, TATAH KIM, TATAH KIM, TATAH KIM, TATAH KIM……….1 Body is handsome, wife is attractive, fame spread far and wide, wealth enormous and stable like Mount Meru; but of what consequence are all these, if the mind is not riveted in devotion to the lotus feet of Guru? Really of what use is all this, what use, what use? KALATRAM DHANAM PUTRA POUTRAADI SARVAM, GRUHAM BHAANDAVAA SARVA METTADHI JAATAM, MANASCHE NA LAGNAM GURO RANGHRI PADME, TATAH KIM, TATAH KIM, TATAH KIM, TATAH KIM……….2 Wife, wealth, son, grandson, and the like, house, relations, even if all these are there fate is certain, of what consequence is one’s life if his mind is not devoted to the feet of Guru? Ascertain, what use is any possession, person or object? Of what use, of what use, of what use indeed? SHADANGAADHI VEDO MUKHE SHASTRA VIDHYAA, KAVITVA AADHI GADHYAM, SUPADHYAM KAROTI, MANASCHE NA LAGNAM GURO RANGHRI PA
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